
Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 11days 10nights
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Rift Valley, Central, Nairobi, Tanzania, Arusha, Mara

You are booking for 11Days and 10Nights Kenya Tanzania Safari

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

Tour’s Program

Upon arrival in Kenya, you will be picked from JOMO KENYATTA INTERNATIONAL
AIRPORT in Nairobi by our Africa Easygo Safaris Ltd Professional Driver Guide who will
brief you of your safari. There after embark for your safari that will take you to Aberdares
with a game drive enroute. You will be taken to the Aberdares Country Club for Lunch before
transferred to the Ark Lodge. As dusk creeps in, enjoy the scenery sunset while viewing the wild
animals enjoying themselves at the water hole. A scrumptious dinner is served and a pleasant
sleep closes the day.

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
After breakfast, check out of the camp and depart for Lake Nakuru National Park. The journey
will take you through various terrains, through the Aberdares, drive down the east escarpment of
the Rift Valley right to its floor. You will arrive Lake Nakuru in time for lunch. Dubbed as “A
Bird watcher’s paradise”, Lake Nakuru is famous for hosting some flamingos. Apart from the
flamingos, there are other different bird species at the park; Lake Nakuru National Park has set
up a rhino sanctuary to aide in protecting both the white and black rhinos that have seen their
population drop to near extinction in recent years. Later in the afternoon you will explore the
park that has various attractions like the Makalia falls and Baboon cliff just to name a couple.
Herds of herbivores browse, graze and mingle freely, these include: buffaloes, giraffes,
antelopes, water bucks while on the lookout of the carnivores that include the lions and hyenas.
Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Breakfast and depart for Lake Naivasha. On arriving Naivasha you will have lunch then head to
Hell's Gate National Park. This is the only park / protected area that allows human activities
within the park. Visitors can have a walk, ride mountain bicycles, rock climb and there are picnic
sites within the park. The large gorges in the park are an attraction as one walks through them
with the hot streams from below flowing on the path. After you’re through with Hells gate, drive
to your lodge to relax /refresh. Later on, you can opt for a sunset boat ride to Crescent Island.

Tourists having a walk in Hells Gate

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Check out of the camp immediately after breakfast and depart for Masai Mara national
reserve drive through the floor of the Great Rift Valley arriving in Masai Mara National Reserve
in time for Lunch. After heavy Lunch you will go for extensive afternoon game drive until
6.30 pm when you are supposed to go back to your camp.

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
After breakfast be ready for an extensive full day game drive, to explore this so called “Home of
nature”. The Mara Reserve, north of Tanzania’s Serengeti National park, hosts natures’ greatest
spectacle - the Wildebeest Migration. Large herds of the wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, and
antelopes are seen covering the endless plains of Mara. You will have picnic lunch in the wild,
the picnic boxes will be provided by the camp , continue exploring Africa’s most famous
protected area. Later on the day you may arrange with your driver to visit the Maasai village, to
learn and experience firsthand information on the daily living and practices of the Maasai

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Check out of the lodge after breakfast and head for Serengeti. You will have picnic lunch on this
day, which will be packed for you in Speke bay lodge. Serengeti is located in north Tanzania and
extends to south-western Kenya; it spans some 30,000 km 2 (12,000 sq mi). The Serengeti hosts
the largest mammal migration in the world, which is one of the top natural travel wonders of the
world. Serengeti is derived from the Maasai language, Maa; specifically, "Serengit" meaning
"Endless Plains". Approximately 70 larger mammals and some 500 avifauna species are found
there. This high diversity in terms of species is a function of diverse habitats ranging from
riverine forests, swamps, kopjes, grasslands and woodlands. Wildebeests, gazelles, zebras and
buffalos are some of the commonly found large mammals in the region. After your game drive
check in at Ikoma safari camp
Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Be prepared for an extensive full day game drive, check out of the camp after breakfast with your
lunch boxes that will be provided for by the camp. Continue to explore this great park till later on
in the day, where you will return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Depart Serengeti immediately after breakfast start your journey to Ngorongoro, the drive takes
you through the plains and spectacular sceneries of hills surrounding the lake.
A visit to Ngorongoro — which means ‘the place where it sank’ and is the world’s largest
caldera (crater) not filled with water — in the Serengeti plains reveals this special relationship
between wild animals and the Maasai. The Maasai and their cattle live side by side with the wild
animals that occupy this area — some 8,292 square km. Geographically, there are three craters in
the Ngorongoro — the Ngorongoro crater, which covers 304 square kilometer with 19.2km in
diameter and 610m depth; the Embakaai crater, which is filled with deep salt water and the
Olmoti crater whose rim is at 3,700m. After your game drive, check in at Hhando Coffee Lodge.
Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Immediately after having breakfast, check out of your Hotel and embark on your safari to
Amboseli National Park. You will pass through Kenya / Tanzania border called NAMANGA
.The Park which is famous for its scenery with a backdrop of snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro,
which dominates the landscape, and open plains. Arrival at Amboseli will be for evening game
drive at this wonderful park.

Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge / Camp.
Optional Morning game drive, then Morning breakfast and depart for Nairobi. Own Lunch on the
way back to Nairobi or in Nairobi town / local restaurant. Latter after Lunch we will drop you at
the Airport for your flight back home. (Optional Carnivore Farewell Dinner – from 6pm to
around 8 pm).

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