
Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 3days
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Uganda

You are booking for 3 Days Gorilla Special

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

Gorilla tracking in Southwest Uganda. Meet and greet mountain gorillas in their natural environment, the stunning afromontane forest of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.
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Tour’s Program

Early morning after breakfast at 7.00 am the driver will pick you from the guesthouse and then leave for the South West of Uganda. The first part takes us through central Uganda. They will have Lunch in Mbarara at the famous Igongo Culture Centre and from here we will continue the journey through Rukugiri District passing villages, cultivated farms, hills before you reach in Buhoma Bwindi. Check in at Lodge, dinner and overnight at their booked Lodge.

Driving time: ± 9 hours
The day of Gorilla tracking. At 7:45 am they will be at the starting point of Bwindi Impenetrable NP for pre-briefing and at 8:30 they will start the trek, after finding the gorillas they will spend with maximum 1 hour. All visitors are expected back to the starting point by 7:00 P:M. The walks can take 3-9 hours depending on where you find the gorillas. It is a real hiking and being physically fit is recommended.
After breakfast, the last part of the journey will bring us back to Kampala. We will stop in Mbarara for Lunch and then continue, after Masaka town we will stop at the Equator for Tea/Coffee break and buying souvenirs. We will bring you back to Hotel of your choice in Kampala for overnight. If you are continuing your journey somewhere else or back home, we will bring you to the airport for check in after refreshing from our guesthouse.

Driving time: ± 9 hours

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