
Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 7days 6nights
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Tanzania, Arusha, Manyara, Mara


Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

Tour’s Program

Immediately after having your breakfast, check out of the hotel and depart from Arusha town with picnic
lunch for Lake Manyara park. You will have picnic lunch while enroute to the park. Lake Manyara is a
relatively small but pretty national park sandwiched between the Rift Valley escarpment and the large
sodiforous lake on the road to Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
Game here is varied, accessible and relatively reliable year round, with highlights including some
particularly habituated baboons and elephants around the park gate, plus occasional sightings of the
renowned tree-climbing lionsHave game drive, till in the evening when your supposed to head to the
camp for you accommodation.
Dinner and overnight at Camp / Lodge..
After breakfast,depart with picnic lunch for Ngorongoro Crater, A visit to Ngorongoro — which means ‘the
place where it sank’ and is the world’s largest caldera (crater) not filled with water — in the Serengeti
plains reveals this special relationship between wild animals and the Maasai. The Maasai and their cattle
live side by side with the wild animals that occupy this area — some 8,292 square km. Geographically,
there are three craters in the Ngorongoro — the Ngorongoro crater, which covers 304 square kilometer
with 19.2km in diameter and 610m depth; the Embakaai crater, which is filled with deep salt water and the
Olmoti crater whose rim is at 3,700m. Have full day game drive till late evening where you will be taken to
the camp for dinner and ovenight.

Dinner and overnight at Camp / Lodge.
Check out of the camp after having breakfast and be driven to Ndutu area for game drive en route to
Serengeti.You will have picnic lunch on your way to Serengeti. The Serengeti hosts the largest mammal
migration in the world, which is one of the top natural travel wonders of the world. Serengeti is derived
from the Maasai language, Maa; specifically, "Serengit" meaning "Endless Plains". Approximately 70
larger mammals and some 500 avifauna species are found there. This high diversity in terms of species is
a function of diverse habitats ranging from riverine forests, swamps, kopjes, grasslands and woodlands.
Wildebeests, gazelles, zebras and buffalos are some of the commonly found large mammals in the
region. Later in the evening head to the camp in which you will be accommodated.

Dinner and overnight at Camp / Lodge.
Be prepared for an extensive full day game drive, check out of the camp after breakfast with your lunch
boxes that will be provided for by the camp. Continue to explore this great park till later on in the day,
where you will return to the camp for dinner and overnight
dinner and overnight at Camp / Lodge.
Continue to explore this great park till mid day, where you will return to the camp for lunch, later head
to Ndutu area dinner and overnight
dinner and overnight at the Camp / Lodge.
After breakfast depart with picnic lunch for Tarangire park game, Have your lunch enroute. The Tarangire
National Park's collage of varied colors of vegetation, supported by the water system to create a fantastic
hue, the park is home to large concentrations of wildlife, all which can be observed from multiple angles:
from the incredible views on the hilltops where all one needs to do is perch themselves on a chair with a
pair of binoculars or experience an alternative game viewing experience game, where the wildlife and the
action that follow it are less than 15 feet away from a guest's tent. The birdlife at Tarangire are unmatched
attracting 550 species seen easily on the Acacia and Baobab trees and on the riverbeds of the Tarangire
River. You will be at Tarangire untill around 1500hrs when you will continue to Arusha Park. Arrive at
Arusha park and be taken to your camp of stay for dinner and overnight.

dinner and overnight at Camp / Lodge.
Immediately after breakfast, head out for the game drive enroute to Arusha town. The closest national
park to Arusha town, it is a multi-faceted jewel, often overlooked by safari goers, despite offering the
opportunity to explore a beguiling diversity of habitats within a few hours. The entrance gate leads into
shadowy montane forest inhabited by inquisitive blue monkeys and colourful turacos and trogons – the
only place on the northern safari circuit where the acrobatic black-and- white colobus monkeys are easily
seen. In the midst of the forest stands the spectacular Ngurdoto Crater, whose steep, rocky cliffs enclose
a wide marshy floor dotted with herds of buffalo and warthog. Giraffes glide across the grassy hills,
between grazing zebra herds, while pairs of wide-eyed dik-dik dart into scrubby bush like overgrown
hares on spindly legs. After your game drive, head for Arusha town

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