

Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 7
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Rift Valley

You are booking for 7days 6 Nights Safari

Travel with the Safari Experts

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Tour’s Program

Immediately after having your breakfast, you will embark for your safari that will take you to the north frontier of Kenya where Samburu National Reserve lies, all the way past the equator. The long drive will see you will arrive in time for your lunch. Later after relaxing and refreshing, you will have an early evening game drive.

A herd of Beisa Oryx

Dinner and overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge.
After having your breakfast, you will have an extensive game drive the whole day. Samburu National Reserve is quite unique as it hosts a number of wildlife species that are rarely found elsewhere in Kenya but only north of the equator. These include Grevy zebra, the reticulated giraffe, long-necked gerenuk, the Beisa Oryx and the Somali ostrich

A male Somali ostrich in Samburu.

Dinner and overnight at Samburu Sopa Lodge.
After having your break fast, check out of the lodge and head for the Aberdares with a game drive enroute. You will be taken to Treetops base station which is Outspan hotel in Nyeri town, where treetops hotel shuttle buses will transfer you to treetops; it is in Treetops on February 5, 1952, when Princess Elizabeth went up the tree house a Princess and the following day came down a Queen. Her father King George VI passed on that night and was later crowned to Queen Elizabeth. The hotel overlooks the floodlit waterhole which is the animal’s favourite area to quench their thirst and also enjoy a nice bathe. As dusk creeps in, enjoy the scenery sunset while viewing the wild animals enjoying themselves at the water hole. A scrumptious dinner is served and a pleasant sleep closes the day.

Water hole and salt lick at Treetops.

Dinner and Overnight at Treetops Lodge.
After breakfast, check out of the hotel and depart for Lake Nakuru National Park. The journey will take you through various terrains, through the Aberdares, drive down the east escarpment of the Rift Valley right to its floor. You will arrive Lake Nakuru in time for lunch. Dubbed as “A Bird watcher’s paradise”, Lake Nakuru is famous for hosting thousands if not millions of flamingos. Apart from the flamingos, there are other different bird species at the park; Lake Nakuru National Park has set up a rhino sanctuary to aide in protecting both the white and black rhinos that have seen their population drop to near extinction in recent years. Later in the afternoon you will explore the park that has various attractions like the Makalia falls and Baboon cliff just to name a couple. Herds of herbivores browse, graze and mingle freely, these include: buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, water bucks while on the lookout of the carnivores that include the lions and hyenas. There after return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru
Dinner and overnight Flamingo hill camp.
Immediately after having breakfast, check out of the lodge and embark on your safari of a life time, to the Masai Mara. The approximately 6 hours drive will see you drive through the floor of the Great Rift Valley arriving in Masai Mara National Reserve in time for Lunch. After heavy Lunch you will go for extensive afternoon game drive until 6.30 pm when you are supposed to go back to the camp.

Dinner and overnight at Mara Simba lodge
After breakfast, be ready for an extensive morning game drive, to explore this so called “Home of nature”. The Mara Reserve, north of Tanzania’s Serengeti National park, hosts natures’ greatest spectacle - the Wildebeest Migration. Large herds of the wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, and antelopes are seen covering the endless plains of Mara. You will return to thelodge for your lunch followed by a relaxing afternoon at the camp, or either decide to visit the Maasai village which is nearby the camp, to learn and experience firsthand information on the daily living and practices of the Maasai community.

Two Cheetahs with a new born Impala

Dinner and overnight at Mara Simba lodge
Final day at the Mara, after breakfast, check out of the lodge and depart for Nairobi. Your journey to Nairobi will be graced by the breathtaking sceneries that the Great Rift Valley has to offer. Upon your arrival you will be transferred to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your international flight back home.
End of our Great Service.

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