

Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 9
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Nairobi, Rift Valley

You are booking for Cheetah Safari

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

A traditional seven-night safari visiting Samburu, home to unique wildlife, followed by the Rift Valley Lakes where thousands of pink flamingoes often tint the horizon. The final destination is the Masai Mara where vast numbers of plains game and spectacular big cats abide. This itinerary starts in the Aberdares Range at the Outspan Hotel, followed […]
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Tour’s Program

Fly from Heathrow overnight to Nairobi.
On arrival transfer to the Somak Safari Lounge, where you can freshen up and store any additional luggage before departing for the Aberdares (180 km - approximately 4 hours). Arrive in time for lunch and spend the afternoon relaxing, or on a nature walk with the resident naturalist (weather permitting). Overnight: Outspan Hotel.
Drive north across the equator to the Samburu National Reserve (190 km - approximately 4 hours). Lunch before a late afternoon game drive. Overnight: Ashnil Samburu Camp.
Morning and late afternoon game drives in this open savannah which is traversed by the Ewaso Nyiro River. The river is populated by hippos and crocodiles, whilst the park is home to a host of animals including several species which are rarely seen in numbers elsewhere, including Grevy's zebra, reticulated giraffes and long-necked gerenuks. Overnight: Ashnil Samburu Camp.
Drive to Mountain Lodge on the slopes of Mount Kenya in time for lunch (240 km - approximately 4 hours). Spend the afternoon viewing game from the lodge, or join a nature walk led by a local guide (payable locally and weather permitting). Overnight: Serena Mountain Lodge.
After breakfast, descend into the Great Rift Valley and continue to Lake Nakuru Lodge (240 km - approximately 4 hours). Lunch. Afternoon game drive in the national park. Drive to Lake Naivasha (80 km - approximately 1 hour). Overnight at Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge.
Drive to the Masai Mara National Reserve (320 km - approximately 5.5 hours). Arrive in time for lunch followed by an afternoon game drive. Overnight: Ashnil Mara Camp.
Enjoy an early morning game drive followed by breakfast at the lodge. Alternatively, take an early morning balloon flight over the Mara followed by a 'bubbly' bush breakfast (optional extra). After lunch, relax before a late afternoon game drive. Overnight: Ashnil Mara Camp. (b,l,d)
After breakfast, return to Nairobi by road (300 km - 5 hours)

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