

Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 7
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Rift Valley

You are booking for Kenya Classic featuring Mara Simba Lodge – 7 days 6 nights

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

From the open plains of Masai Mara, the shimmery pink waters of Lake Nakuru and the swamps of Amboseli, this safari takes in three of the most picturesque regions in Kenya. It also provides the perfect opportunity to spot the Big-5 and to capture some diverse scenery.

Tour’s Program

Upon arrival into Nairobi, you will be met and transferred to the Boulevard Hotel. Afternoon at leisure.
Overnight at the Boulevard Hotel on a bed and breakfast basis.
Leaving Nairobi after breakfast, you'll travel towards Kenya's fertile highlands and head down the Rift Escarpment on a road built by Italian prisoners of war during World War II. Look for the charming chapel they built at the foot of the escarpment. You'll pass the impressive Longonot earth satellite station as you head across the Valley to Narok, and then travel across acres of wheat and barley, before you reach the Masai Mara and your lodge in time for lunch. There will be an afternoon game drive.
Overnight at Mara Simba Lodge on a full board basis.

Mara Simba Lodge
Mara Simba was conceived, not just as an overnight stop, but as a safari resort and lodge on the edge of the Masai Mara. The emphasis is on exclusivity, comfort and the ambience is Masai, with the decor incorporating both decorative and design elements from the culture of this tribe. The grounds of the lodge extend almost a kilometer along the Talek River, and built in blocks with 4 comfortable rooms in each. The river bank is left in its virgin state, while further back lush landscaped gardens of indigenous plants and trees attract colourful birds and butterflies. Wide, well-lit pathways link guest rooms and the public areas where beautiful wooden floors are shaded by soaring makuti roofs (palm thatch). The dining room and bar have stone fireplaces where roaring fires are lit on chilly evenings
Early morning and afternoon game drives.
Overnight at Mara Simba Lodge on a full board basis.
Leaving the Masai Mara after breakfast, you'll travel across the ‘breadbasket’ of Kenya, where acres of wheat and barley litter the landscape as you head north to Narok, the district headquarters of this part of Maasai land. Now travel across the vast plains on the floor of the Rift Valley, keeping an eye out for herds of giraffe and gazelle as you head up the Mau Escarpment, before arriving at Lake Nakuru. The waters here are often coloured shimmering flamingo pink, from thousands of the beautiful birds lining its shores. After lunch at Flamingo Hill Camp, depart for an afternoon game drive in Nakuru National Park before continuing to the camp for dinner and overnight.
Overnight at Flamingo hill camp on a full board basis.
After an early breakfast you will depart with a picnic lunch, leaving the Rift Valley behind, you continue towards Nairobi and then head south towards Ol Tukai Lodge. Then proceed with afternoon game drive in the park enroute to the Amboseli arriving in the evening.
Overnight at Ol Tukai Lodge on a full board basis.

Ol Tukai Lodge
Ol Tukai Lodge was opened in June 1996 and lies at the heart of Amboseli National Park approximately 266kms due south of Nairobi. The lodge is set at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and is probably the best wildlife arenas to view elephants at close range. Most of the park consists of a partially dry, lake bed of evaporated salts and fragile grassland with patches of acacia woodland. Around the swamps the vegetation is lush with yellow barked acacia and phoenix palms. You can see most types of game in the park including rhino, giraffe, gazelle, lion, cheetah and leopards. Birdlife is prolific too, especially around the swamp areas. Cottage style accommodation spreads out on either side of the main lodge. The architecture is unobtrusive with lots of wood, local stone and slate. There are two double rooms especially designed for the disabled and ramps for wheelchairs are the norm. Each room has an uninterrupted view of either the wetlands or Mt. Kilimanjaro, with the occasional dust trail of safari vehicles viewing game in this most beautiful of Kenya's game parks. The crystal clear figure of eight swimming pool, shaded by the occasional acacia tree, has ample sun beds and mattresses available for guest use.
Morning and afternoon game drives in Amboseli, returning to the lodge as the sun sets.
Overnight at Ol Tukai Lodge on a full board basis.
Following an early breakfast, you’ll catch your last views of the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro as you depart Amboseli viewing game en route to the border of the park. From here turn west to the colourful border town of Namanga, where you will find some unique Maasai beadwork. Then turn north along a good tarmac road across the beautiful and seemingly never-ending Athi Plains, arriving in Kenya's bustling capital city of Nairobi by mid day.

Cost Includes
• All transport and game drives on road safaris will be in a modern safari cruiser / Safari vans (with seven window seats) with an English speaking driver-guide on shared basis
• Meals and accommodation as specified
• All park fees and government taxes
• 1 litre bottle mineral water per person per day on game drives
Cost Excludes
• Visas and international flights
• Airport taxes (clients pay direct)
• Drinks, dining rooms tips, porterage
• Personal travel, baggage and medical insurance
• Telephone bill, laundry and any items of a personal nature
Additional remarks
• We may have to re-route the itinerary or accommodate in similar lodges in case of non-availability.
• Prices for domestic flights, airport taxes or park fees may be changed without prior notice. This is beyond our control and any increase levied will be passed to you.

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