National Park, Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya


Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 1
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Nairobi

You are booking for Nairobi National Park

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Check out of the hotel immediately after having your early breakfast, and head to Nairobi National Park for your morning game drive. Nairobi National Park is a national park in Kenya established in 1946 and is the first National Park in Kenya. It is located approximately 7 kilometres south of the centre of Nairobi, Kenya's capital city, with only a fence separating the park's wildlife from the metropolis. Nairobi's skyscrapers can be seen from the park. Indeed, the proximity of urban and natural environments has caused conflicts between the animals and local people and threatens animals' migration routes. The 117 km2 Nairobi National Park is unique by being the only protected area in the world with a variety of animals and birds close to a capital city. As expected, the park is a principal attraction for visitors to Nairobi. Still, despite its proximity to civilization and relative small size for an African national park, Nairobi National Park boasts a large and varied wildlife population.

Migrating herbivores gather in the park during the dry season, and it is one of Kenya's most successful rhinoceros sanctuaries. Open grass plains with scattered acacia bush are predominant. The Park has a diversity of environments with characteristic fauna and flora. The park has a rich and diverse birdlife with 400 species recorded. However all species are not always present and some are seasonal. Northern migrants pass through the park primarily during late March through April. To the south of the park is the Athi-Kapiti Plains and Kitengela Migration and dispersal area. These are vital areas for herbivores dispersal during the rains and concentrate in the park in the dry season. The western side has a highland dry forest and a permanent river with a riverine forest in the south. In addition, there are stretches of broken bush country and deep, rocky valleys and gorges with scrub and long grass. Man-made dams have also added a further habitat, favourable to certain species of birds and other aquatic biota (life forms). The dams also attract water dependent herbivores during the dry season. Nairobi National Park is one of the most successful of Kenya's rhino sanctuaries that is already generating a stock for reintroduction in the species former range and other upcoming sanctuaries. Due to this success, it is one of the few parks where a visitor can be certain of seeing a black rhino in its natural habitat.

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