
Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 7days
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Rift Valley, Nairobi

You are booking for Overland Safaris/ Group Safaris

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

Overland / Group safaris -YEAR 2016 -2017 Safaris program. 7 days 6 nights Wildlife safari in Kenya. SAFARI HIGHLIGHTS. -Cheaper than normal safaris. -Takes you to all must see National Parks. -It is higher than a safari Jeep / Land cruiser over 3 times hence very good view when doing the game drives. -Has all […]
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Tour’s Program

Upon arrival in Kenya, you will be picked from JOMO KENYATTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT in Nairobi by our Africa Easygo Safaris Ltd Professional Driver and Guide who will brief you of your safari and transfer you to your Nairobi Hotel.
Bed and Breakfast at the Boulevard Hotel.
Breakfast at the hotel and embark for your safari that will take you to Lake Nakuru National Park. The journey will take you through various terrains, drive down the escarpment of the Rift Valley right to its floor. You will arrive Lake Nakuru in time for lunch at a Camp site / Lodge. Dubbed as “A Bird watcher’s paradise”, Lake Nakuru is famous for hosting thousands of flamingos. Apart from the flamingos, there are other different bird species at the park; Lake Nakuru National Park has set up a rhino sanctuary to aide in protecting both the white and black rhinos that have seen their population drop to near extinction in recent years. Later in the afternoon you will explore the park that has various attractions like the Makalia falls and Baboon cliff just to name a couple. Herds of herbivores browse, graze and mingle freely, these include: buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, water bucks while on the lookout of the carnivores that include the lions and hyenas.

Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru

Dinner and overnight at your Campsite / Lodge.
Campsite –Lion Hill camp (option campsite at the Lake Nakuru Flamingo lodge).
Lodge – Lake Nakuru Lodge
Heavy Breakfast and then proceed with your safari. On arriving Naivasha you will head to Hell's Gate National Park. This is the only park / protected area that allows human activities within the park. Visitors can have a walk, ride mountain bicycles, rock climb and there are picnic sites within the park where you will have your lunch. The large gorges in the park are an attraction as one walks through them with the hot streams from below flowing on the path. After you’re through with Hells gate, you will go for a boat ride at the Lake Naivasha for 1 to 2 hours.

Dinner and overnight at your Campsite / Lodge.
Campsite –Burch’s Resort Naivasha
Lodge – Lake Naivasha Country Club
Check out of the Campsite / Lodge immediately after breakfast and depart for Masai Mara national arriving in time for Lunch at your Campsite. After heavy Lunch you will go for extensive afternoon game drive until 6.30 pm when you are supposed to go back to your camp / lodge.

Lions fighting over their catch
Dinner and overnight at your Campsite / Lodge.
Campsite –
Lodge – AA Lodge Masai Mara
After breakfast, be ready for an extensive full day game drive, to explore this so called “Home of nature”. The Mara Reserve, north of Tanzania’s Serengeti National park, hosts natures’ greatest spectacle - the Wildebeest Migration in July to early September every year. Large herds of the wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, and antelopes are seen covering the endless plains of Mara all year around among many more animals. You will have picnic lunch in the wild; continue exploring Africa’s most famous protected area. Later on the day you may arrange with your driver to visit the Maasai village, to learn and experience firsthand information on the daily living and practices of the Maasai community.

Two Cheetahs with a new born Impala
Dinner and overnight at your Campsite / Lodge.
Campsite –
Lodge – AA Lodge Masai Mara
After your breakfast at your camp / lodge, you will go for a short morning game drive and latter depart for Nairobi. Lunch on the way back to Nairobi in a campsite area or a local restaurant. Arriving in Nairobi in the late afternoon at your Nairobi Hotel. On arrival in Nairobi, we will take you for Dinner in a local restaurant and latter drop you back at your Nairobi Hotel. Lunch and Dinner included.
Bed and Breakfast at the Boulevard Hotel.
Morning breakfast at your hotel and latter go for local excursions. Nairobi Hotel check out time is 10.00am to 10.30 am.
Optional Excursions in Nairobi.
1-Elephant Orphanage from 11am to 12.00 –open strictly 1 hour visit in a day and Giraffe Center-open throughout the day USD 40 Per person sharing transport. (Entrance fee included).
2- Kiambethu Farm –Grow Tea -Arrive at 11am and over a cup of tea or coffee the history of the farm and process of making tea is informally explained, followed by an opportunity to see tea in the field / farm. Local tour guides will take you through the farm explaining how to grow Tea. The Tour includes entrance fees, Lunch, Tea Farm tour and Transport – USD 65 Per person sharing transport. (Open throughout the day).
3-Paradise Lost-Grow Coffee - It consists of one acre of well manicured lawns with breath taking views of the large man-made dam and vast coffee estate all around. (Visitors get to see the coffee plantation and get a guided lecture about coffee). USD 40 Per person sharing transport. (Entrance fee included). (Open throughout the day).

Later after the excursions, we will drop you at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your flight back home. Airport in is 2-3 hours in advance.

End of your safari.

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