

Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 7days
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Seychelles

You are booking for SYCHELLES

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

The Seychelles is a unique destination which few other beach destinations can hope to compete with. In the interior of the Seychelles Islands, past the sun, sea and sand lies the wonderful and exciting world of the Creoles.  Hidden discreetly from the modern world, the 115 islands that make up the Seychelles lie strewn across […]
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Tour’s Program

On arrival at the airport, you will be met by Africa Point representative. Transfer on air-conditioned Coach to your hotel. Booked on half board accommodation at Coral Strand Hotel.
All day relaxation at your beach hotel in Mahe. Dinner and overnight at Coral Strand Hotel.
On this day you will be picked up from your hotel for a Nature Trail excursion on the Mahe Island. You will have packed lunch and water. You return to your hotels in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight at Coral Strand Hotel.
After breakfast, transfer to Jetty for your fast Ferry Service to Praslin Island. On arrival at praslin Jetty, pick up and transfer to the hotel. You are booked at the Acajou Hotel. Dinner and overnight at your hotel
All day relaxation at the Beach in Praslin.
Dinner and overnight at Acajou Hotel. Booked on half board.
On this day you visit the La Digue Island. Transfer by Cats Coco to La Digue Isalnd. Dinner and overnight at Birgo Guest House.
On this last day, pick up from hotel and transfer to La Dige Jetty for your Fast Ferry service to Mahe. On arrival Mahe Jetty, transfer to Mahe International Airport for your onward connection to homebound flight.

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