
Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 1
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Kenya, Rift Valley

You are booking for Through the Rift Valley featuring Keekorok – 4 days

Travel with the Safari Experts

Your Booking:

From the open plains of Masai Mara, the shimmery pink waters of Lake Nakuru, this safari takes in two of the most picturesque regions in Kenya. It also provides the perfect opportunity to spot the Big-5 and to capture some diverse scenery.

Tour’s Program

Leaving Nairobi, you'll travel towards Kenya's fertile highlands and head down the Rift Escarpment on a road built by Italian prisoners of war during World War II. Look for the charming chapel they built at the foot of the escarpment. You'll pass the impressive Longonot earth satellite station as you head across the Valley to Narok, and then travel across acres of wheat and barley, before you reach the Masai Mara in time for lunch. Following lunch there is an afternoon game drive returning to the lodge as the sun sets.
Overnight at Keekorok Lodge on a full board basis.

Keekorok Lodge
Keekorok Lodge was opened in 1965 and lies at the southern end of Masai Mara National Reserve, approximately 280 kilometres from Nairobi. It is sited in the direct path of the annual migration and was the first lodge to be built in the Mara. At the height of the migration, Keekorok is surrounded by a swarming mass of animals and there is hardly need to go on a game drive. Keekorok's charm lies in the liberal use of local building materials. Sand stone, cedar wood and other indigenous materials are used in all rooms and public areas. In front of the lodge there is a 300m elevated walkway that meanders through a small riverine forest to a small bar at one end. This overlooks a dam where resident hippo and other game are regularly seen. There are no fences around Keekorok and it is not uncommon to see elephant and buffalo on the perimeter of the grounds or even strolling in. Though there are watchmen on the constant look out!
Early morning and afternoon game drives.
Overnight at Keekorok Lodge on a full board basis.
Leaving the Masai Mara after breakfast with a picnic lunch, you'll travel across the ‘breadbasket’ of Kenya, where acres of wheat and barley litter the landscape as you head north to Narok, the district headquarters of this part of Maasailand. Now travel across the vast plains on the floor of the Rift Valley, keeping an eye out for herds of giraffe and gazelle as you head up the Mai -Mahiu, before arriving at Lake Nakuru. The waters here are often coloured shimmering flamingo pink, from thousands of the beautiful birds lining its shores. You will take an afternoon game drive in Nakuru National Park before continuing to Lake Nakuru Lodge for dinner and overnight.
Overnight at Lake Nakuru Lodge on a full board basis.
Lake Nakuru Lodge is situated in the heart of one of Kenya's most densely populated wetland National Parks, (Ramsar site) only two leisurely hours' drive from Nairobi, through beautiful forested uplands and passing a series of lakes. On the outskirts of the bustling market town of Nakuru lies a truly remarkable national park which has achieved international fame. Both black and white rhino are being given a new lease of life in this 188 sq km, fully-fenced park - and they are carefully protected. The present rhino population is over 50 and continuing to multiply. The Rothschilds giraffe is another rarity and the park has its fair share of buffalo, leopard, zebra, eland, waterbuck and lion. Lake Nakuru Lodge is in the south-east ecological niche of the park, with commanding views of the lake and the flamingos for which it is justly famous. Lush gardens surround the lodge and cottages. There is a good programme of activities and evening entertainment.
Departing the lodge after a early breakfast you head south to arrive into Nairobi’s bustling capital by 09h30 in the morning. Once in the city, you will be dropped off at a city centre hotel or the airport.

Cost Includes
• Meet and greet services with assistance at the airport or hotel
• All transport and game drives on road safaris will be in a modern safari cruiser (with seven window seats) with an English speaking driver-guide on shared basis
• Meals and accommodation as specified
• All park fees and government taxes
• ½ litre bottle mineral water per person per day on game drives (excludes air safaris)
Cost Excludes
• Visas and international flights
• Airport taxes (clients pay direct)
• Driver-guide gratuities
• Drinks, dining rooms tips, porterage
• Personal travel, baggage and medical insurance
• Telephone bill, laundry and any items of a personal nature
Additional remarks
• We may have to re-route the itinerary or accommodate in similar lodges in case of non-availability.
• Prices for domestic flights, airport taxes or park fees may be changed without prior notice. This is beyond our control and any increase levied will be passed to you.

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