Zanzibar, Zanzibar Urban/West Region, Tanzania


Tour Type: Daily Tour
Duration: 1
Maximum number of people: Unlimited
Location: Tanzania, ,

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Zanzibar is still being the secrets of the Indian Ocean. Beautiful, green luscious tropical islands with its romantic aroma of spices, memories of its extraordinary past of Sultans and Slaves, colourful underwater garden and life, untouched shiny white sand beaches and the magnificence of the Historical Stone Town still awaits for you to discover and […]
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Tour’s Program

Historical Stone Town Tour
It is a wonderful introduction of Zanzibar that gives you the feeling of the rich cultural heritage. One gets a comprehensive view, history and walk of the Stone Town. Magnificent architecture, narrow alleys, sand and stone ancient built houses where some of them are over 200 Years old that have Arab/Indian carved wooden doors. We begin this tour at the main City market which was opened in 1904, where tropical fruits, vegetables, spices and fresh fish from the island are sold. Our next stop will be at the Anglican Church of Christ built by Bishop Steers in 1873 on the site where slaves were being auctioned.

Other highlights on your historical stone town tour are a visit to
»Sultan's Palace (Now a Museum) - Built in the late 1890's for members of the Royal Sultan's family.
»House of Wonders - Built in 1883 as a Royal ceremonial function Palace.
»The Africa House - Formerly known as English Club.
»Jamituri Gardens where you can spend your evenings leisurely watching the brilliant sunset while enjoying the locally made dishes, Zanzibar pizza and barbequed sea food.
»Visit of The Old Fort – Built by Arabs for defense against the Portuguese.
Its primary objective is to give you a complete picture as to why this beautiful island is known as "The Spice Island". Our tour starts with a drive through a profusion of greenery in the countryside seeing, smelling and tasting a variety of spices and mouth-watering tropical seasonal fruits such as jack fruit, pineapple, banana, green coconut juice, dourian, love apple, litche, soursop etc. Spices such as cloves, cardamon, cinnamon, black pepper, turmeric, vanilla, and nutmeg - are as exotic as the flavour….etc. A full tour involves much more than spices, and you will also have a chance to see the iodine plant, heena bush, ylang-ylang, the lipstick tree, cocoa, and coffee trees.

The tour also includes a visit to
»Kidichi Persian Baths built in 1850 by Seyyid Said bin Sultan for his Persian wife Princess Sheherezade granddaughter of the Shah of Persia.
»Maruhubi Palace Ruins built by the third Sultan of Zanzibar Seyyid Barghash for his concubines.
»Dr Livingstone’s House built in 1860 for Sultan Majid. Dr David Livingstone lived here before commencing his last journey to the mainland interior.
Other tours in Zanzibar include:

Dhow Sunset Cruise
Dolphin Tour
Prison Island Tour (Changuu Island)

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